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The New Physics for the Twenty-First CenturyFrom Cambridge University Press
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Underpinning all the other branches of science, physics affects the way we live our lives, and ultimately how life itself functions. Recent scientific advances have led to dramatic reassessment of our understanding of the world around us, and made a significant impact on our lifestyle. In this book, leading international experts, including Nobel prize winners, explore the frontiers of modern physics, from the particles inside an atom to the stars that make up a galaxy, from nano-engineering and brain research to high-speed data networks. Revealing how physics plays a vital role in what we see around us, this book will fascinate scientists of all disciplines, and anyone wanting to know more about the world of physics today.
- Sales Rank: #352980 in Books
- Published on: 2006-02-13
- Ingredients: Example Ingredients
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.96" h x 1.61" w x 7.99" l, 4.19 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 556 pages
"It is beautifully presented and, given the contributor list, authoritative ... I wholeheartedly recommend it to researchers, postgraduate students and perhaps advanced undergraduates in the sciences."
Times Higher Education Supplement
"... accessible to a general readership ... presents topics that can be usefully pondered by those with little background in physics ... written at a level that can be digested by eager undergraduates but will also be instructive to experienced physicists ... several physicist colleagues have passed on unsolicited praise of the level of presentation."
Physics World
"The message of The New Physics for the Twenty-first Century is that the most fundamental problems remain elusive, but the magnificent tools that have been developed during the past decade have opened up new vistas on subjects once thought to be familiar."
Physics Web
"A cursory glance shows that the people writing the articles are leaders in their fields. Who better to learn from? Third, not only are the authors big, but they're good - the writing is incredibly concise, yet lucid, and any of the chapters are accessible to most 2nd or 3rd year physics undergraduates, or anyone else who's been exposed to a decent amount of physics. All in all, I highly recommend this book."
"... this book will be an excellent addition to any physicist's library. The net effect of reading it could be likened to having a year-long series of engaging speakers at the weekly departmental colloquium-one after another brilliantly elucidating the advances in their field, but making their talks comprehensible for everyone who attended even if they came only for the cookies and punch!"
S. Raj Chaudhury for Physics Teacher
"The beauty of the book lies in the opportunity that it provides the reader: a glimpse of cutting edge research in physics explained by the most prominent researchers in their respective areas. It is so well put together that it reads as a unit with cross-references throughout the text."
Contemporary Physics
About the Author
Gordon Fraser is a freelance science writer, and has published several books. He worked at CERN for over 25 years and is a former editor of Cern Courier, the international monthly news magazine of high-energy physics.
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
The original "The New Physics" had much better aritcles in terms of explaining the concepts underlying the ...
By Scott Fisher
The original "The New Physics" had much better aritcles in terms of explaining the concepts underlying the theory. The articles in this book are more akin to watered down articles that you find in magazines like Scientific American. The articles did summarize new experimental data and new technology developments. However, the open questions in "The New Physics" were not addressed in light of the new experimental evidence.
24 of 26 people found the following review helpful.
Advances in physics clearly explained
By calvinnme
This is a great book on advances in physics that have occurred over the last few years that lies between overly simplistic popular science books and research papers where you become quickly lost in terse language and layers of equations. You do need to have some prior background in physics. Ideally you should have the background of a year of general university level physics and a course in modern physics, or the equivalent of that. Some knowledge of general chemistry would come in handy too. Otherwise, there are enough equations and an assumption of basic physics knowledge on the part of the reader that you'll get lost quickly.
Basically, the book shows you physics in action solving the problems of today using great illusrations and a clear and accessible writing style that holds your interest. The chapters don't build on one another and you can pick and choose what you're interested in. Remember that this is not a textbook, so there are no problem sets. The final strong point of the book is the price. At under forty dollars it's a very reasonable purchase for the casual learner. My favorite sections were part 1 on Matter and the Universe and part 4 on Calculation and Computation. I thought the chapter on superstring theory was particularly well done and clear. I highly recommend this book for getting a good big picture of physics at work.
14 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
The New Physics for the Twenty First Century
By Bruce A. Campbell
Very comprehensive coverage of the new world of Physics presenteted by the various leading practicioners in the field today. Difficult reading for anyone with no more than High School Physics.
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